As the world becomes increasingly digital, it’s no surprise that job interviews are moving online too. Video job interviews are becoming more and more common as companies aim to streamline their hiring processes and reach candidates who live far away. However, the switch to video interviews can be a challenge for job seekers who are used to face-to-face interactions. Here are our Top tips to ace your next video interview.

It’s important to prepare and practice for video interviews in order to make a great impression on potential employers. In this blog post, we’ll cover the best ways to prepare for a video job interview, as well as the differences between video and face-to-face interviews. We’ll also share some tips for acing your video interview and standing out as a top candidate.


Preparing for a video job interview


Research the company and the job position. Just like with any job interview, it’s important to research the company and the job position before your video interview. This will help you prepare thoughtful answers to potential questions and demonstrate your interest in the company.

Test your technology and internet connection. One of the biggest challenges of video job interviews is technical issues. Test your technology and internet connection well in advance of the interview to avoid any surprises. Make sure you have a stable internet connection and that your camera, microphone, and speakers are working properly.

Choose a suitable location for the interview. Choose a location for your interview that is quiet, private, and distraction-free. You don’t want to have any interruptions or background noise that could disrupt your interview. Make sure your location is well-lit, and that the background is simple and professional.

Dress appropriately and eliminate distractions. Although you may be conducting the interview from your home, it’s important to dress as you would for an in-person interview. This will help you feel more professional and confident. Additionally, be sure to eliminate any potential distractions such as pets or family members during the interview. Turn off your phone and any other notifications to ensure you can give the interviewer your full attention.


Differences between video and face-to-face interviews


While the goal of a job interview is the same whether it’s conducted in-person or online, there are some key differences to keep in mind when preparing for a video interview.

Communication challenges in video interviews. One of the biggest challenges of video interviews is the potential for communication difficulties. Technical issues such as lag or poor audio quality can make it hard to hear and understand the interviewer’s questions. Additionally, because you are not in the same physical space as the interviewer, it can be harder to pick up on cues such as tone of voice or body language.

Nonverbal communication in video interviews. While nonverbal communication is still important in video interviews, it’s different than in-person interviews. For example, you may need to make more of an effort to make eye contact with the camera rather than looking at the interviewer’s face on the screen. Additionally, because the interviewer is only seeing you from the waist up, you may need to use more exaggerated gestures to convey enthusiasm or excitement.

Differences in interview format and timing. In some ways, the format and timing of video interviews can be more rigid than in-person interviews. For example, the interviewer may have a set list of questions to ask and be more focused on sticking to the schedule. On the other hand, video interviews may be more flexible in terms of scheduling since they don’t require travel time.

Techniques for building rapport in a video interview. Building rapport can be more challenging in a video interview since you are not in the same physical space as the interviewer. However, there are still ways to connect with the interviewer and build a relationship. For example, try to make small talk at the beginning of the interview, smile and use positive language, and be engaged and attentive throughout the interview. Additionally, make sure to express your appreciation for the interviewer’s time at the end of the interview.


Tips for acing a video job interview


Now that you’ve prepared for your video job interview and are aware of the differences between video and face-to-face interviews, it’s time to focus on the things that will help you stand out as a top candidate.

Make eye contact with the camera. One of the most important things you can do during a video interview is to make eye contact with the camera. This will help you appear engaged and confident and will create a sense of connection with the interviewer. Avoid looking at your own image on the screen or at other distractions in the room.

Speak clearly and at a reasonable pace. It can be tempting to speak quickly during a video interview, but it’s important to speak at a reasonable pace and to enunciate clearly. This will help ensure that the interviewer can understand your answers and will help you appear more confident and in control.

Prepare concise and relevant answers. Just like with any job interview, it’s important to prepare concise and relevant answers to potential questions. Use the research you did on the company and job position to anticipate the types of questions you may be asked and prepare thoughtful answers in advance. Be sure to stay on topic and avoid rambling.

Use visual aids to support your answers. One advantage of video interviews is that you can use visual aids to support your answers. For example, if you’re discussing a project you worked on, you could share your screen to show the interviewer relevant documents or graphics. This can help you appear more prepared and professional.

Ask questions at the end of the interview. At the end of the interview, be sure to ask the interviewer any questions you may have about the job position or the company. This will show that you’re engaged and interested in the opportunity. Avoid asking questions that can be easily found on the company’s website or in the job description.

Follow up after the interview. Finally, it’s important to follow up with the interviewer after the interview. Send a thank you email within 24 hours of the interview to express your appreciation for the opportunity and to reiterate your interest in the position. This can help you stand out from other candidates and keep you top-of-mind with the interviewer.


Acing a video job interview requires preparation, awareness of the differences between video and face-to-face interviews, and the right mindset to make a positive impression on the interviewer. By researching the company and job position, testing your technology, choosing a suitable location, dressing appropriately, and eliminating distractions, you can set yourself up for success. During the interview, make eye contact with the camera, speak clearly and at a reasonable pace, prepare concise and relevant answers, use visual aids to support your answers, ask questions at the end of the interview, and follow up afterwards to express your appreciation for the opportunity. With these tips in mind, you can ace your next video job interview and take the next step in your career.


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